strictly,strictly come dancing???

this is what tbp will be doing nx not sure whether i shud involve or is not something dat i like to do neither something i hope they're doing.but, i'm the volunteer n have to stick to them n do wutever i can in order to make it this happen.for time being, i just put up the PINK posters around will get rid by 12o'clock everyday, i think.still,i dun reli like doing those stuff.i shud more aggressive for pen&pence campaign but i'm not well at that,why doing sumthng u don't want to? i just want to help.n this time they really need me,so why not just give a hand?...dunnolah...
one more thing.sejak x berperasaan semalam,hari ini semua benda nak timbul.kalau org terlupa, kita x blh marah kan?kalau org tertidur pun kita x blh salahkan dia kalau x solat.hmmm,so kita jgn marah2 ye.setiap org ada alasannnya sendiri.kita sentiasa bersangka baik dan berperilaku baik2 saja.insyaAllah segala fitnah n prasangka akan hilang.i've 2 test nx week.rase2 ikan je.moga2 Allah bg ilmu dan kefahaman. ketenangan hati juga.insyaAllah


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