mak saye kate...
after hving such a bz,it's time to write evrythng. my mum says, "ijah dah dpt byk cemerlang,takkan Allah nak uji dgn sekali gagal,ijah nak sedih mcm ni" thanks mum,u such brilliant advisor. kegagalan-ini betul2 namanya gagal. 33%??? wut u hv done siti? hvn't u study for it?hvn't u do the past test? hvn't u attend all the lecs? do all the seminars?..yes,i've done all of it-but still GAGAL. it's enogh to cry n regret wut u've done. time to kembali bersemangat!!! so many hikmah out of it. teach me to be more careful my time n paln it wisely. to stop comparing myself to others. stop telling myself that i can't do it. n stop dreaming dat i've done enough. sampai bila2 pun x cukup.n the most important thing is to mend my relationship with Allah s.w.t. maybe i've not put effort to ask for HIS help.bacuz ada dlm one of the tal dat i've attended say this- kita blh tido awal n bgn lambat,tapi lena siapa bg? mkn byk tapi kenyang sape bg? Allah kan. kita baca byk pun if Allah x redha kita takkan dapat-inilah barakah namanya. barakah masa,barakah tenaga,barakah makanan. n if x buat kerana Allah-sia2 shj. dah le fail-pastu x dpt pahala. ingat lagi hadis satu imam nawawi. amal itu bergantung pd niat.jika hijrahmu keran Allah dan Rasul,maka kamu akan dpt Allah,Rasul dan semuanya.tapi,jika hijrahmu kerana dunia, perempuan dan harta-maka itulah yg kamu dpt. maybe when i study hard i can pass but without His blessing it is wasting. so,now time to reform! new resolution. be a motivator to motivate myself n others
p/s pic mase menikmati keenakan aiskrim di moonlight =)