don't give,keep looking!
maal hijrah?today is about we potray ourselves as a muslim. islam? practising it or not?everythng come from the heart. what i realise from the this new year is we are like judging people.i like to make a first impression. for the one who seem quite nice to me or to a person who mean to me. actually they good people. somehoe everybody trying to be better. each and evryday.why not me? it's start from my heart. ikhlas-it's not an easy way to be. but, i myself know whether i'm ikhlas or not. it is so hard to kill the 'ujub' and 'riak'. ujub->riak->takabbur.dat's the most difficult one. i can say dat i'm showing off because of i'm confident.but,deep inside you know u're lying siti. so,new resolution for this year is kill dat 'perasaan+perasan', make alot of du'a so dat i could manage my life even better. soyonara jahiliyyah!