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this is what i'm volunteering for-TANZANIA BOOK PROJECT!!! supposely i shud go tanzania to deliver these books.and what i need for it?£500 absolutely from fundraising. and maybe £1500++ to finance myself to go there.warwick is assigned to Mtwara region for delivering the text book which we collect through out the year. for now, we have sending the letters and keep bugging the school for the books and the promotion-basically we want publicity and want to raise some money. even tho we can't really get lotsa £ fr these little kids at least we share the knowledge about tanzania.this country known as poor country-not enough books for the chilren t study-so,that'e why we are here-to help them and to provide them good books.can't wait for warwick volunteering week-pens and pence campaign!!!we'll go to each and every lecture to collect 50p and a,let's daonate..involve in wut ever events we will organized..hmm,strictly come dancing is one of the big event-but,i dun thnk i'll like it.sound quite fun-cume not in the right way.hehehehehe...need to help my fren to do da poster etc...quite fun tho...
do visit tbp @warwick: