
first-maybe it's my plumber! plissssssssssssssssssssssssssss... i need to study!!!i hv finish kpmg's application...yeah!!!but,pwc has blocked my account.oh no!!!try to settle everythng b4 holiday ends.2 more days...we hv eid party tomoro...makan2 lah sebenarnya.i prepare for the quiz just for kidz.nasheed by first yr student(brothers)really need to do sumthng about pof.n fr too.enron..enron...enron...creative accounting.i thnk i want to revive financial system.return to dinar.shud read n make a research.thinking about summer. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... i want to go back. just call my bro yestrday.he got a very good pointer for his last exam.miss him so much.hv call him for along time.shud call my sis. too.her birthday will be on the 18th...