@McD I found happyness
We reach the hotel and knew that the wi-fi is not free! In the middle of losing our battery and could not charge our handphones and even iPad,(due to my Unpeduliness to buy an adapter back in Malaysia), we could not message anyone to help us here, right at the heart of capitalist center,NY! We dumped our staff and start thinking how we could survive for the next day. With no food, little money, no internet, no phone...and could not even use public phones(they just simply there as perhiasan). First, we serach for the adapter to make sure we have the devices live again and continue with the search for the food...
Alhamdulillah we have something to eat, nad thanks to my kakak Ong, she buy a halal dinner for us(actually she's searching for rice, while I choose to have a pastry, but, in the end , I'm the one who finished her dinner-coz its halal!) we just so tired to search for other stuff. Be back to the hotel nad try to get some rest. I have to wake up early to make sure I didn't miss the Subuh since I dont have the solah time.so, I rely on what I see outside to tell me it's time to pray Subuh. The experience that I learn back in UK, when I didnt have watch and even phone to know the time, and I can only rely on the sun to tell me when is when. Since our sitaution is quite bad, I need to purchase the 16dollar internet to get connected to akhawat.
Alhamdulillah, the emails go through and we manage to meet at the hotel and they help us to find our way to certain places. But, the meeting was not long, which I hope should be longer and warmer. It's quite and ciy cold sitaution when you cant hug and treat your own sister as you used to be. I wasnt sure is it because of the presence of my chinese kakak, orjust because we are not warm to each other...
But, my regret stays as it is...
Next: episode of her is not shopoholic!
Endofepisode 2. Me in the heart of manhattan,NY.
when are you coming back?
lamanya... ni dah berapa episod kt bumi us tu... hehh..
apa2 jalan, moga Allah mudahkn tiap urusan kak dgn kebaikan.
mish u!