superwoman n modern man..

after being stuffed n stucked with dunya knowledge..n specially after heard all sociology stuff..i think my brain tend to think like what sociologist think..n lttle bit like feminist..i'm fiminist?maybe.. in one quote i read from my reading material(it' fr tho)
modern man.. is the man who tries to invent himself.This modernity does not 'literate in his own being'.It compels him to face the task of producing himself[Foucaults]
dont really know what that is means actually..but, i think ..
entah la,modernity doesnt bring happiness eventho u've verything.kesenangan dirase setelah kesusahan dapat diatasi.
talking abou superwoman.i'm a superwoman.i want to be a superwoman.but, according to what my fren has learned, the is no such thing. superwoman is a myth. woman actually cant be good at work and at home.there must be an oppotunity cost...thinking deep...


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