take our deen seriously
just to remind myself->dont take ur deen for granted. just watch napoleon in youtube
it's not about french napo but the islam napoleon.he said that people in islamic country(so called islamic) tend to act less islamic than the one in other side of the world. in america for example, the gangsters turn to islam n practising it according to al-quran n sunnah. they try to learn arabic n hope to be married to arabs girls so that their kids can learn islam n understand islam thru al-quran n sunnah.but, arabs who is great in speaking n understand al-quran language take it for granted.somehow they prefer to be a gangster n do crime.islam never ask us to lie but how many of us lie every day?even evry second?this is because we never think ALlah is watching us. I realise that when you can feel Allah in anywhere you are you'll asking urself "did Allah allow me to do this?" ya, Allah didn't say it's wrong but when i think again "did HE like it" no,He dont like us to waste time for somethng useless.Then, i'll find other alternative to do the same thing but in different medium. ya, i want to have fun.then, i've to make sure that it's halal n can benefit in terms of da'wah. because others will watch you n jugde ISLAM thru you.how can you blame them for portraying islam as so and so because you're the one who give that impression. we have to see them as a mangsa keadaan since they dont know. until they have knowledge about islam,then we can say that, yes-this people... but, the more i realise this, they more i feel inferior(as eeman is decreasing everyday). i noe our duty is not easy.and our mission cannot be achieve in 1 day.but,as long as we are working on it,insyaAllah Allah will rewards us afterlife.Amin.
it's not about french napo but the islam napoleon.he said that people in islamic country(so called islamic) tend to act less islamic than the one in other side of the world. in america for example, the gangsters turn to islam n practising it according to al-quran n sunnah. they try to learn arabic n hope to be married to arabs girls so that their kids can learn islam n understand islam thru al-quran n sunnah.but, arabs who is great in speaking n understand al-quran language take it for granted.somehow they prefer to be a gangster n do crime.islam never ask us to lie but how many of us lie every day?even evry second?this is because we never think ALlah is watching us. I realise that when you can feel Allah in anywhere you are you'll asking urself "did Allah allow me to do this?" ya, Allah didn't say it's wrong but when i think again "did HE like it" no,He dont like us to waste time for somethng useless.Then, i'll find other alternative to do the same thing but in different medium. ya, i want to have fun.then, i've to make sure that it's halal n can benefit in terms of da'wah. because others will watch you n jugde ISLAM thru you.how can you blame them for portraying islam as so and so because you're the one who give that impression. we have to see them as a mangsa keadaan since they dont know. until they have knowledge about islam,then we can say that, yes-this people... but, the more i realise this, they more i feel inferior(as eeman is decreasing everyday). i noe our duty is not easy.and our mission cannot be achieve in 1 day.but,as long as we are working on it,insyaAllah Allah will rewards us afterlife.Amin.