i've said it too many times...

raye 2006-seronok!
it happens again n again..how many times i've to say...arghhhhh...ya,Allah beri aku kekuatan..i know my prioritise...common la..i need sometime for myself..n for my frens here..ok..i can't say dat i want to stop or take a break..there is no 'rest' for da'i..we have to work until we die..dat's the true resting for us..but,please...there is sumtimes you can't sacrifice ur time for...it's so hard..can't u think about dat...i'm in the circle of my frens which is not our frens...u noe what i mean rite..i need times for them too...it's not i don't want to commit..i've myself a space so dat i can breathe n analyse what i've done...can't u understand?...ahah,u'll never understand..