berilah harapan
better this way kan ct.. i've bad dream this morning n yesterday too... takut,sedih n kotor...heheh...sumtimes it just a dream...don't ever think about it...actually i've soooo much thing to do...but,i'm still fren struggling to be better.. surely sakit..n i can't really help..yesterday, ape i ckp dia x dgr n ape yg dia ckp i pun x dgr...same je...terasa berat nak tgglkan dia kat sini...maybe semalam x rase bile ckp kat dia but hari ni betul2 sdih coz she's all alone ...not really but, there's no close fren to give her support.. at least sumone to cheer her up everyday.. my face is not cool neither it's beautiful...but, the most important thing is sumhing we say to her...n i'm sooo lemah in it...can't really help her to reduce her pain...can't really help to cheer her up...i'm so bad..but, i'm learning...learn to be a good nurse... don't have talent in i...tgk how kak fadz amikkan wudhu'...i can't do that in the nicest manner as it won't hurt her...i'm soo bad...didn't i?..i want to talk about this person for sooo one noe how much he has affected my life ...but,i realise that i onli a girl and alwaiz lonely...but,independent...i can't see anything bad about it...maybe one day i'll realise...but,after all..i must be a good nurse!